Central Christian College of Kansas is excited to announce the Mabee Foundation has approved a…

Alumni Highlight- Meghan Morey
The following was submitted by alumni Meghan Morey a 2019 alumni who is now in graduate school in Oklahoma.
I graduated from Central in May of 2019 and within a month I moved to Oklahoma City to begin my graduate program. I currently attend the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center to become a physician assistant. The difficulty of graduate school is unmatched by any other endeavor I have pursued, however, Central set me up to succeed.
While at Central, I was a Student-Athlete, Student Body President, Residential Advisor, Vice President of Science Club, a Student Ambassador, I worked in the Student Success Center, and I competed at Nationals for Phi Beta Lambda. I set out to make a difference at Central, but in reality, serving in those roles made a difference in me and made me into the person I am today.
When asked what I enjoyed most about undergraduate, I tell everyone it was the community. The faculty and staff become your biggest supporters, they become your family away from home. As I prepared for grad school, I reflected on how Mr. Craig, Dr. Jackson, and Dr. Trow went out of their way to help me graduate in three years with all of the requirements I needed for my graduate program. I think about Phi Beta Lambda and how Dr. Ferrell and Professor Whitehouse taught me how to perfect a presentation. I remember how the entire student life staff supported me while I represented the school as Student Body President and as a Resident Advisor. Ms. Jamie taught me how to utilize the gifts God gave me to become an effective leader. The best way to fully understand what Central has to offer, is to experience these things first-hand.
Central Christian taught me to prioritize what is important in life, to strive for greatness, and to trust in God for everything. God uses Central as a constant reminder that we are meant to be in community, to fill each other’s cup and to pour into the people that have strayed from Him. I am forever grateful for Central Christian College and I am convinced I would not be where I am without the support and love I received from my time there.
About Central Christian College of Kansas
Central Christian College of Kansas is a four-year collegiate institution that strives to offer Christ-centered education for the whole person – heart, mind, body, and soul. Its history dates back to 1884, and it is located in the friendly town of McPherson, Kansas. Central is a strategically small college that offers over forty areas of residential study and a thriving online program for non-traditional students. To learn more about who Central is, go to centralchristian.edu/about. Visit the Foundation of Central Christian College to see what projects and events are coming up.