Start Your Exercise Science Career Today
While the secular world may place Christianity and science in juxtaposition, science is a Christian endeavor. Throughout nearly any scientific textbook (physics, biology, chemistry, genetics, astronomy, thermodynamics, etc.) Christian-influenced mathematicians and scientists pioneered much of the foundational research related to those disciplines. Synthesizing Christian and scientific understanding enhances the critical thinking skills needed by exercise science professionals.
People exercise for a variety of purposes, including remaining fit and healthy, controlling sickness and health issues, and competing in leisure and competitive sports. Exercise and Sport Science is an exciting discipline that investigates how to effectively guide exercise for health and performance advantages. The Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science program at Central Christian College of Kansas lays the groundwork for a career in a range of professions that encourage healthy living for people of all ages. Our faculty members are highly qualified and committed to offering high-quality training that takes a holistic approach to the study of exercise and sport science.
Start your journey today – Tell Me More!
Possible Career Paths
- Personal Trainer – $37,256*
- Health Coach – $45,116*
- Athletic Director – $59,716*
*O*Net – National Median Wage Data
Start Your Exercise Science Career Today
While the secular world may place Christianity and science in juxtaposition, science is a Christian endeavor. Throughout nearly any scientific textbook (physics, biology, chemistry, genetics, astronomy, thermodynamics, etc.) Christian-influenced mathematicians and scientists pioneered much of the foundational research related to those disciplines. Synthesizing Christian and scientific understanding enhances the critical thinking skills needed by exercise science professionals.
People exercise for a variety of purposes, including remaining fit and healthy, controlling sickness and health issues, and competing in leisure and competitive sports. Exercise and Sport Science is an exciting discipline that investigates how to effectively guide exercise for health and performance advantages. The Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science program at Central Christian College of Kansas lays the groundwork for a career in a range of professions that encourage healthy living for people of all ages. Our faculty members are highly qualified and committed to offering high-quality training that takes a holistic approach to the study of exercise and sport science.
Start your journey today – Tell Me More!
Possible Career Paths
- Personal Trainer – $37,256*
- Health Coach – $45,116*
- Athletic Director – $59,716*
*O*Net – National Median Wage Data
Start Your Exercise Science Career Today
While the secular world may place Christianity and science in juxtaposition, science is a Christian endeavor. Throughout nearly any scientific textbook (physics, biology, chemistry, genetics, astronomy, thermodynamics, etc.) Christian-influenced mathematicians and scientists pioneered much of the foundational research related to those disciplines. Synthesizing Christian and scientific understanding enhances the critical thinking skills needed by exercise science professionals.
People exercise for a variety of purposes, including remaining fit and healthy, controlling sickness and health issues, and competing in leisure and competitive sports. Exercise and Sport Science is an exciting discipline that investigates how to effectively guide exercise for health and performance advantages. The Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science program at Central Christian College of Kansas lays the groundwork for a career in a range of professions that encourage healthy living for people of all ages. Our faculty members are highly qualified and committed to offering high-quality training that takes a holistic approach to the study of exercise and sport science.
Start your journey today – Tell Me More!
Possible Career Paths
- Personal Trainer – $37,256*
- Health Coach – $45,116*
- Athletic Director – $59,716*
*O*Net – National Median Wage Data
Exercise Science Core (42 Credits)
NS-BI 204 Anatomy & Physiology I w/ Lab (3)
NS-BI 205 Anatomy & Physiology II w/ Lab (3)
NS-CH 102 General Chemistry w/ Lab (4)
SP-SH 202 Introduction to P.E., Sports & Fitness (3)
SP-SH 308 Exercise Physiology (3)
SP-SH 310 Kinesiology (3)
SP-SH 311 Biomechanics (3)
NS-BI 245 Basic Nutrition W/Lab (3)
SP-SH 395 Practicum [Exercise Science] (3)
SP-SH 415 Exercise Testing, Evaluation, and Prescription (3)
SP-SM 425 Administration in Sport & Fitness (3)
SP-SH 491 Sport Science Seminar [Capstone] (1)
SP-SH 495 Internship [Exercise Science] (3)
SS-PY 400 Sport & Exercise Psychology (2)
Activity Course (2)
Exercise Science Electives
SP-SH 203 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries (3)
SP-SH 312 Adaptive Physical Education (2)
SP-SH 320 Measure & Eval. in Health and P.E. (3)
Bachelor of Science in Natural Science: Exercise Science = 120 Credit Hours
- 43 Credits – General Education
- 42 Credits – Exercise Science Core
- 8 Credits – Exercise Science Electives
- 27 Credits – Open Electives
- Utilize written and verbal communication skills to demonstrate effectiveness in communication.
- Identify the basic cognitive precepts in foundational and investigative studies.
- Determine how the basic cognitive concepts and principles learned in the foundational and investigative studies apply to sports science.
- Design measurement tools for the assessment of performance and/or health indicators of a student, patient, client, team, or group.
- Coordinate sport science services (exercise testing, teaching, coaching, etc.) for individuals of different races, abilities, and genders.
- Establish risk management procedures based on ethos, liability issues, constitutional, state, and local laws.
- Identify with ethical boundaries and Christian philosophies to determine how they apply to the sports science and health fields.
- Articulate a clear personal philosophy regarding their field of interest within sport science.
- Learn concepts that will lead to a lifetime of wellness through formal instruction and lab practice.
- Develop recreational skills for the enjoyment of sports and games through classes and organized intramural activities.
- Participate in both didactic and clinical experiences that provide the opportunity to develop as a professional in the sport sciences.
The Central Christian College business student has multiple ways to enrich their educational experience through off-campus opportunities. The department regularly offers national and international travel opportunities to study various topics including economics, finance, culture, trade, and monetary systems. Arrangements can also be made to study with the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) in their Best Semester program. CCC is also partnering with Students International where students have the opportunity to spend a semester in another country studying local culture, finance, economics, language, investment, entrepreneurship, etc.
Course Examples
Includes a historical and contemporary view of physical education career possibilities, aims, and objectives, with a view toward the development of a basic philosophy of physical education, sport, and fitness.
A study of human motion emphasizing the musculoskeletal structure and neuromuscular involvement in voluntary movement. In addition, biomechanical principles involved in the performance of motor/sport skills and strength training exercises.
This course will consider the use of health and fitness field and laboratory instruments, techniques, procedures, and equipment. Special emphasis will be placed on the ability to administer test protocols for evaluating the health-related components of physical fitness.
This course focuses on the application of psychological principles within the realm of sports and competition. Special attention will be given to the psychological components of sport that can hinder and enhance the athlete. Coaching and mentoring strategies are evaluated, as well as topics such as motivation, personality, anxiety, performance, and environment.
This course is designed to expose students to cause, immediate care, and therapy for athletic injuries. It includes lectures, field trips, and practical application in the training room atmosphere. The art and science of “taping” will be stressed. Resource material will include the Cramer self-study training techniques.
Mike Craig
Health Sciences Professormike.craig@centralchristian.edu
Jeff Hoskisson
Exercise Science & Physical Education Instructorjeff.hoskisson@centralchristian.edu
Tricia Pimentel
Exercise Sciences InstructorTricia.Sondergard@centralchristian.edu
Mike Craig
Health Sciences Professormike.craig@centralchristain.edu
Tricia Pimentel
Exercise Sciences InstructorTricia.Sondergard@centralchristian.edu
Jeff Hoskisson
Exercise Science & Physical Education Instructorjeff.hoskisson@centralchristian.edu
Mike Craig
Health Sciences Professormike.craig@centralchristian.edu
Tricia Pimentel
Exercise Sciences InstructorTricia.Sondergard@centralchristian.edu
Jeff Hoskisson
Exercise Science & Physical Education Instructorjeff.hoskisson@centralchristian.edu