Want to Apply?
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter describing their interest in the position and qualifications for this specific position, a resume or curriculum vitae, statement of faith, and the contact information for two professional references and one character reference (include phone and email). All applications and nominations will be considered highly confidential. All nominations and applications should be mailed electronically to katherine.potter@centralchristian.edu.
Faculty Positions
Business (Accounting) Instructor
Criminal Justice Instructor
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Assistant: Baseball
Staff Positions
Chief Officer of Transformation & Advancement
Briner Academic Center Director
Central Christian College of Kansas recognizes the benefits of maintaining a diverse faculty and staff who can provide a wide spectrum of perspectives and experiences representing the creativity of a loving and innovative God. Central Christian College of Kansas reviews all applications and hires individuals based on their qualifications for the position. The College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, parental status, or military or veteran status. As a Christian college, affiliated with the Free Methodist Church of North America, Central Christian College of Kansas asserts its right to employ persons who subscribe to the intent, mission, Statement of Faith, and Core Values of the College, as well as the lifestyle expectations articulated in the Free Methodist Book of Discipline (Para. 3000-3430; 2011).